Environmental degradation


The area of the Salobral de Campos, as well as the dunes system of Estrenc and the adjacent areas of Ses Covetas in the West, the Natural Park of the archipelago of Cabrera in the South and the cape of Ses Salines in the East, create one of the most important places from the environmental point of view in the island. The adjacent areas of Cap Enderrocat and Cap Blanc are also important.

With an extense of 1451.90 ha, this area is protected by Natura 2000 and it is designated as ZEPA zone (Zone of special protection of birds) and ZEC zone (Zones of special preservation).

Regarding the environmental degradation, two areas have to be kept in mind:

Dunes system of Es Trenc

This area of maritime and terrestrial public domain is a zone of great environmental value and high fragility because of the impact received by inhabitants and tourists, as well as by bars and beach bars and the cleaning and maintenance services performed at the beaches (mainly the cleaning service and the collection of seaweeds and posidonia).

This area of special preservation consists of these different types of habitat:


  • Coastal lagoons.
  • Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand.
  • Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimae).
  • Mediterranean and thermo-Athlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocometas fructicosi).
  • Embrionic mobile dunes.
  • Shifting dunes along the shoreline with (Ammophila arenaria).
  • Fixed dunes along the shoreline of Crucianellion maritimae.
  • Dunes grasslands of Malcomietalia
  • Shoreline dunes with Juniperos sp.
  • Dunes with sclerophyllic scrubland Cisto-Lavanduletalia.
  • Mediterranean pre-desert scrub.
  • Mediterranian riparian gallery forest and scrubs.

Salobral de Campos

Private domain-like, this area also has a great ecological value and a special protection. Its state of environmental preservation is optimal, because it receives a lower impact due to it private state, so it is less exposed to public impact. In any case, its envornmental future must be kept in mind because it receives other types of impact from farming, and it has to be protected from future threats.

The following habitats are part of it:

  • Mediterranean salt meadows.
  • Mediterranean salt steppes (Limonietalia).
  • Wet floodplain depressions.
  • Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition.

Apart from these scenic interest areas, the whole area has a great value from the avifaunal point of view.

The salt mines of Estrenc, as wetland, have a huge value as a place for nest-building and bird stops, from which it is remarcable the importance of:

Remarcable species


Cientific name

Common name


Common name


Acrocephalus palustris

Carricero políglota

Boscala menjamoscards

Asio otus

Búho chico

Mussol banyut

Bubulcus ibis

Garcilla bueyera


Calidris temminckii

Correlimos de Temminck

Corriol de Temminck

Cettua cetti

Ruiseñor bastardo

Rossinyol bord

Columba palumbus

Paloma torcaz


Fulica atra

Focha común


Gallinula chloropus

Polla de Agua / Gallineta

Polla d’aigua

Hippolais icterina

Zarcero icterino

Busqueta icterina

Hippolais pallida

Zarcero pálido

Busqueta pàl·lida

Parus major

Carbonero común


Passer montanus

Gorrión molinero

Gorrió barraquer

Turdus merula

Mirlo común


Tyto alba

Lechuza común



 Important species


Cientific name

Common name


Common name


Merops apiaster



Phalacrocorax carbo

Cormorán grande

Corb marí gros

Tringa totanus

Archibebe común



 Key species


Cientific name

Common name


Common name


Charadrius alexandrinus

Chorlitejo patinegro

Picaplatges camanegre

Charadrius dubius

Chorlitejo chico

Picaplatges petit

Charadrius hiaticula

Chorlitejo grande

Picaplatges gros

Himantopus himantopus



Pandion haliaetus

Águila pescadora

Àguila peixatera

Recurvirostra avosetta


Bec d’alena

Tadorna tadorna

Tarro blanco

Ànnera blanca


 Others species of interest:


  • Limonium antonii-llorensii
  • Limonium migjornense
  • Silene sericea-balearica
  • Otanthus maritimus
  • Pancriatum maritimum
  • Seirophora villosa
  • Tamarix canariensis
  • Tamarix gallica



Cientific name

Common name


Common name


Merops apiaster

Erizo moruno

Eriçó clar

Bufo balearicus

Sapo verde


Eliomys quercinus

Lirón careto

Rata cellarda

Genetta genetta


Geneta comuna

Hemydactylus turcicus

Salamanquesa rosada

Dragó rosat

Lepus capensis

Liebre ibérica

Llebre del cap

Micromeria microphylla


Tem bord

Mustela nivalis

Comadreja común


Ophrys balearica



Tarentola mauritanica

Salamanquesa común



Carretera de Campos a Colonia Sant Jordi KM 10 07630 Campos

Phone numbers.

+(034) 971 65 33 82


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